Bangalore based The Empyrean launches of its mega ultra-modern integrated township in Sarjapur. An integrated township spread over 210 ACRES, next to a 212 ACRE GREEN RESERVE, with LAKES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD and one lake abutting 'THE EMPYREAN'.
The Empyrean is trying a similar formula for properties on 30 minutes drive from Whitefield and Sarjapur road. These areas have sprawling shopping malls and now property developers are building residential property around these areas. Thus, organised retailing is pushing the demand for integrated townships, and this impacting the property prices as well. Rustic living is a lifestyle sought after by many, realised by few. The word implies space, views and an enviable lifestyle.
Many people, who bought land and houses to this area, benefited from its transport link. Property prices for their projects rose beyond imagination. In fact occupancy rates, residential property, increased manifold because of these properties are located strategically on the Sarjapur road.
The Empyrean Bangalore is designed to create a true village style integrated township, where its residents can live, play and relax a true haven to escape from the hectic life of the city. Designed Aedas designed with pedestrians in mind streets, neighborhood squares and parks are an extension of the residents' homes - a safe and inviting place to spend quality time with friends, family and neighbors.
The houses along the neighborhood streets have alternating setbacks and show a subtle variety in building heights, roof tops and architectural detailing. The variety that is created in this way along the street fronts resembles the colourful diversity that Bangalore has always been known for.